Sustainable Solutions
Looking at the year 2008, 380 million litres of paint were sold in retail and trade throughout the UK. Out of this, about 53 milion litres did not get used up and are stored in homes or garages, if not thrown away. That amount is actually enough paint to fill up 21 Olympic sized swimming pools. 

The Repaint community in Hackney contributes towards sustainability by collecting paint that has not been finished from different drop-off places and redistributing this paint. The recycling centre stores the paint and is available for anyone from students to families, art groups or schools. Repiant is part of a network of other repaint communities and managed locally be volunteers. 

After researching and talking to volunteers the need for an individual website to promote them and connect people within their communities was identified. 

The solution was a website that not only gives information on upcoming events or their work but also a place where people could get in touch with each other to exchange paint within their neighborhood.

Within this team project I came up with the concept and did the user research including conducting interviews. 
New Logo Design
Suggested Website: New look, Branding, Integrated Social Media, Updated
Sustainable Solutions

Sustainable Solutions

Enabling Solution for the RePaint Community
