Sivarami Reddy B's profile

Finders and keepers

Finders and Keepers
This is an online/offline service that connects Patients and social workers with caregivers (from NGO).

The initial challenge for this app is users will not have internet connection every time. 
Many patients don't have their identities like email and phone number.

My Role:
I was working with 2 senior managers and I was the only one designer in the team. My role is to collect all the requirements from the client and managing the goals of the project. Along with that, I was responsible for final deliverables.

Design Process:
We seek to understand the user, challenge assumptions, and redefine problems in an attempt to identify alternative strategies and solutions that might not be instantly apparent with our initial level of understanding.
Here, we decided to focus on the five-phase model proposed by the Hasso-Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford, which is also known as  
also, we were told to maintain Center Stage – Help the User Focus on What’s Important (The UI process Microsoft uses).

The 5 stages of design thinking are
User research (Empathise):
Due to time constraints, the deadline for project completion and resource constraints we didn't get access to users so we decided to do user research without users.

Stakeholder Interview:

It helped us to find out what their expectations of us and the project are and also 
allowed us to explain and promote the UX component of the project and get the backing of stakeholders for our efforts.

It's easy for us to misinterpret someone's input during a short interview; particularly if you're writing down their responses. It's also easy for someone to say one thing but mean something completely different in many different circumstances.

Our research is also likely to provide a large amount of non-quantitative results. Images, audio files, interview notes, diagrams, maps, etc. These results can't be easily interpreted by forcing them through an equation and coming up with a nice number. Yet, they are also important.

In order to meaningfully interpret this kind of data, we use a different kind of analysis: the qualitative analysis.

Just to make sure we went ahead and had a small presentation to all the stakeholders. the presentation included the stakeholder interview results and Competitor Benchmarks.

With the stakeholder interviews results and qualitative analysis, we were able to identify and define the problem and the personas.

Finding User (Finder)
- The end user that uploads the details of patients
Patient User
- The patient-user who is suffering from malfunction
Caretaker User (e.g. User from NGO)
- The user who can view all patients from all finders

Before we jump into the solution we started to define functionalities and sitemap.

We created paper prototypes and later converted them into high fedlity wireframes.

Finders and keepers

Finders and keepers
