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Guide to Understand the Flow of Web Application

Beginner coders are well-aware of web designing and development languages like HTML, CSS, PHP, Java or MySQL (DB Management System). But many of them don’t have a clear concept of regarding the role of PHP while developing a website and its relation with the SQL. The below section has designed to answer all of your questions regarding the web development.
Combination of PHP and HTML
HTML refers to the hypertext markup language which is used for tagging texts, deciding colors, fonts or font sizes, hyperlink effects or graphics on a web page. If you consider HTML as drawing on a page then CSS is coloring the same page. Cascading style sheets is a best practice of presenting a hypertext markup document in a better and stylized way.

On the other hand, PHP is a back end server level programming language which is mainly used for developing a web page. And MySQL is a structured query language which is used for communicating with the database. For building a high-functioning website hire a professional company that offers PHP web development in India as well in other countries worldwide.
The Flow of a Web Application
In the below section readers will get to know about the typical flow of a web application.

   A user makes a request to visit a web page by using his or her web browser and this request moves to the server in the way of HTTP(S)

  •  Now the web server passes the request to a back-end server language engine like PHP, .net, Python or many others. Preferences should be given to PHP as it is the most used server level language worldwide.

  •  The server level language engine will process your request that may also include interfacing with the database. If readers are using a database, then the interaction will be done by the structured query language. SQL is the database language that is used for writing and reading the database.

  •  Now the reaction made by the program based on your request gets back to you in an HTML format because it is already mentioned HTML is not a programming language, it is only a markup for representing documents.

  •  And finally, the Browser provides you the information in an HTML format.

Also, note that not all the web application works in a similar way. A static website generally stores their website data on the web server. As a result, the browser does not need to process the data to a server language engine. But in a dynamic page, web application flows like the way mentioned above. Also, note that a static page loads much faster than a dynamic page because it does not travel much.
While building a website it is important to look after both of its designing and development sector. Plenty of companies offer affordable web design services in India as well as in other countries. Feel free to contact one of them for designing your website and don’t forget to share the suggestions regarding the post below in the comment section.
Guide to Understand the Flow of Web Application

Guide to Understand the Flow of Web Application


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