Urban Decay
The assisgment was to make a representation of a Facade in 3 different states of decay, using a Diffuse and Specular texture map. We had to use PixelPlant to help us define where the texture had to be placed, since we could not use programmes like Substance Painter or 3D Coat. The reason for that was so that we really could learn how textures would work on a model.
I started out by making a moodboard on how I wanted my Textures to look like:
I decided to use the colours from the image on the bottom-middle and the decay had to look like it is displayed on the more colored, close-up images (I decided not to use those colors, only the shape)
Then, with the help of PixelPlant, I numbered the sections where the textures had to go:
It's all very crudely done since there were a lot of parts on the UV map that we got delivered.
Then I started on the first fase of the facade, and the Diffuse UV map turned out like this:
Followed by a Specular map:
I continued on to the next fase with this Diffuse map as a result:
Again, followed by a less specular Specular map:
And lastly, the final, total decayed fase of the Diffuse texture:
Along with a barely visable Specular map:
And here are the final results on the 3d model:
The screenshots are taken in PixPlant in Red and Blue lighting (left to right; fase 1, fase 2, fase 3)
Urban Decay

Urban Decay
