Will Abbott's profile

Bidroom - Design & Build

Bidroom started out as a reverse-marketing hotel booking platform. Travellers posted where they were going and hotels could compete for their business. This second revision, although working in a somewhat different way, still carries the ethos of delivering a 'good deal', producing the best rates online beating some of the top names in the hotel booking industry.
Offers page - Powered by a PHP backend and Angular JS front end app.
Booking form - Hovering labels allow for a compact form design at the same time helping users to keep track about which field they're completing.
How it works - Simple illustrations help visualise the process of using Bidroom and making a booking
Discovery - This strip on the homepage was an answer for a multitude of questions. What's the benefit? Are people using it? How 'global' is Bidroom? These randomly updated cards quickly and effectively show all of this in one go.
Bidroom - Design & Build

Bidroom - Design & Build
