Senior Show Artist Statement
I use graphic design as a means of self-expression and physical/emotional meditation. Color to me is a way of identifying certain emotions. The thickness of a line, the curve of a specific cut, also identifies my self-expression of a specific subject. My goal with graphic design is to draw people into my world, which at times can be between reality and fantasy in order to escape specific emotions I am going through at any given time. Focusing on these specific aspects keeps a borderline between my world of being controlled and contained to my world of magical enchantment.

I learned to rely and grasp hold of my graphic design abilities to control and manage my world of emotions, using “it” to help me work through my own personal experience of grief after the loss of my older sister from cancer during my freshman year of college.  Giving me peace and solace and pulling me away from my reality of loss, anger and loneliness. Having the outcome of peace.

I am inspired to share my own experience of emotions; sharing the ups and the downs. My hope and goal is to pull people into different worlds of emotions, to share the way I see these, helping them to learn and understand categories of emotions and teaching them to grow from them. This collection of work comes from my desire to express and release emotional subjects from inside my mind, to come out and share with the outside world.
Stages of Grief
Stage 1 Denial
Stages of Grief
Stage 2 Anger
Stages of Grief
Stage 3 Bargaining
Stages of Grief
Stage 4 Depression
Stages of Grief
Stage 5 Acceptance
Senior Art Show

Senior Art Show
