Qu Zhang's profile


Female models cross-dressed as male game characters, 
12 historic figures of early Tang Dynasty
Create a topic for "Tang Warriors", a Chinese online game with the historical wars in early Tang Dynasty as the background, so as to attract more gamers, particularly male gamers to join the game.

In the domestic market of online games, 80% of the gamers are men between 18 and 29 years old. When playing games, they do not only care about the games themselves, but also delight in communicating all kinds of hypes related to the games.

We hired beautiful female models to cross-dress as the male characters of the game, so as to attract the attention of more male gamers.
We selected 12 of the most distinguishing male characters of the game, who were male figures in history well-known to all Chinese people.
The female models cross-dressed as these male characters, in conformity with their recognizable costumes and weapons.
By means of forums, magazines, posters, wallpapers and calendars etc., we triggered the gamers' vast interest in the campaign.
● Over 400,000 downloads of wallpapers within a month;
● Over 1,700,000 search results on Google;
● Free coverage by gaming and fashion media, such as Computer Business Information, Popunet Weekly, Game, and Modern Weekly etc.;
● More than 200,000 gamers online at the same time on the day of game launch;
● After one month, the number of subscribed gamers surpassed 1.8 million;
● Recognition of the game rose from 15% before the campaign to 30% afterwards;
● The game ranked No.1 in "2010 Top 10 Creative Online Games in China", and No.2 in "2010 Best Oriental Martial Arts Online Games".



Cross Dressing Female models cross-dressed as male game characters, 12 historic figures of early Tang Dynasty
