This was a sponsored project from the start up company Noria. Noria is an air conditioning company that came to Philadelphia University to looking for new ideas and inspiration for there company. In a team setting our idea was to create a pet mat to cool pets or to heat them according to their needs and the environment they are in. This pet bed would be controlled by your smart phone so you won't have to be in the house to be with your pet. This is the Noria PetPal.
Section view
App layout
Concept sketches 
Dog in Noria PetPal
This is an example of how and when the Noria PetPal would be put in use 
At the end of this project this project was awarded the most marketable award. This project gave me real world experience, exposure to different software and experience working in a team. I was able to walk away from this project with a lot more knowledge than I had before. 

Sprint Project

Sprint Project


Creative Fields