Revista Flash/Flash Magazine
Graphic Design Group Project
"Hulk" and "Wonder Woman" photos were taken for the project.
Group was formed by Milagros Figueroa, Natalia Cicutín and Ignacio Azzi (myself).Concept magazine was a creation of mine.
Fullscreen and 720p recommended to unleash full awesomeness.
Video created as part of a group project crafted by Natalia Cicutín, Milagros Figueroa and Ignacio Azzi (myself) for Cátedra Salomone(Salomone Chair) at the University of Buenos Aires.
 Some fronts covers
"Superheros madness"
"Everybody lies"
"Gossip bird"
Twitter bird and sunglasses were taken from the Internet and are not a creation of us. Credits to the real author.
Some pages (will be updated soon)
Thanks you very much for your attention.
Ignacio Azzi.
Flash Magazine

Flash Magazine

Flash Magazine
