Design a window display for Nehring Design using two words (one verb and one noun related to the company) drawn from a hat as the directive for the design concept. 

The Place
Nehring Design is located in Webster Groves, Missouri at a busy intersection close to the road. This means their window displays are highly visible and a joy for the community. Since Nehring is a architectural /interior design company its displays are less about selling goods and more about having fun and gaining exposure.

The Challenge
I received the words "faux materials" and "growing". Due to the bizarre contradiction of these words I had no choice but to conceive a bizarre concept that ended up being rather affective. To incorporate the word "faux materials" I designed a game show set that engages people to guess if the items in the window are made of authentic or faux materials. For the word "growing" I focused on growing his online exposure using facebook as the mechanism for playing the game. Which would force people to like his page in order to participate. 
Faux or No?