Dan Oen's profile

Tundra Lodge and Resort

Tundra Lodge and Resort
Green Bay, Wisconsin
The Tundra Lodge in Green Bay, Wisconsin was in the final stages of construction when they approached with a request for two large wall murals. One was to go into their dining area. It needed to have a northern Wisconsin outdoor nature theme. The other was going to go right in the main waterpark pool where it would be hot, humid and constantly get splashed with pool chlorine.

This meant I had less than three weeks to design, illustrate and produce over 1300 square feet of wallcovering, to find a suitable protective coating for the poolside mural, AND find a paper hanger that can hang it in time for the grand opening.

I produced three very low res comp versions of the two proposed murals then emailed them for selection and approval. Once the designs were chosen, I sourced stock images of wildlife native to northern Wisconsin, and used scanned leaves for the background texture. The waterpark mural was a little more involved. I was given line art to scan, clean up and render. Working full-size in Photoshop I was able to complete production-ready art for both murals within a week. The next week was spent printing and QC-ing the prints and coating. There were about 27 vertical panels that made up each of the murals. The color had to be perfect from top to bottom and left to right. Then the rolls were to be coated for UV protection and the poolside mural needed an additional aqueous coating compatible with wallcovering stock that could also deal with chlorine. The paper hanger used the remaining week to put up the murals.

The murals went through printing and coating without a hitch, the hangers were able to hang the murals with plenty of time to spare. As a result, we were awarded a contract to produce custom printed borders for their expansion using elements from the dining room mural.
This is a type 1 flame-retardant wallcovering. It was printed in vertical panels 36" wide.
The mural in the waterpark area will be exposed to chlorine and water throughout most of the day. It was covered with a special coating designed to protect it against harsh chemical agents.
Tundra Lodge and Resort

Tundra Lodge and Resort

Custom designed and printed wallcoverings. Designed and made to exact dimensions.
