John Harlow's profile

Cairngorms Mountains

Returning via Corie an t-Sneachda after a hard day on the ridgeline.
On a good day in winter, Fiacaill Ridge attracts the new and the old. Here, Stephen's waiting in line to begin our ascent, and perhaps contemplating roping up.
A brief respite to look at the road ahead, and tend to aching shoulders.
Sam, leading the approach line to Fiacaill Ridge.
What I love about the Cairngorms, is that every day you spend there can be new - even if you're working in the same area. A slope with an amazing view on one day can be made even prettier on the next by spindrift lit by the rising sun.
Over the course of our week there this year, we enjoyed some testing conditions, but they always brought something new to the table, which even the veterens hadn't seen before. 
The team battles up the final 100m of ascent to the summit, in 80mph winds.
The week's weather was predominantly windy, and with that came a lot of snowdrift.
You knew when the weather was getting shoddy, because Stephen would bust out his Black Diamond parka.
Day 4's Alpine-ish start meant a sunrise through snowdrift, made better through the rose tint of goggles.
This wasn't necessary, Keiran just loves digging snow ledges.
We met some pro Canadian climbers, who were probably the most jovial about the weather of anyone I saw that week.
Unfortunately, our line took us to the right of the amazing buttress in the centre. Keiran was super disappointed, but it was worth it for the view!
No doubt the cold, sometimes wet, and often windswept Cairngorm hills will draw us back again next year!
Cairngorms Mountains

Cairngorms Mountains

Every year, we organise a trip out to the Cairngorms in the heart of winter. It's an excuse to buy shiny new kit, an opportunity to push our wint Read More
