of Martian Lands - Scenographic Space Design

Using the zine, a festival, set in the world of 2034 had to be designed.
This project is a part/ cut away experience in this fest.

As research says: by year 2034, we will be exploring other planets too. 
Here, SpaceX, ISRO and NASA are coming forward to provide an experiential 
journey to the audience, while trying to sell this experience to the people.

Each section is a narrative space accompanied by lights, ambient sounds, 
visuals and an audio guiding the audience through this journey.


The waiting area : Audience is introduced to the subject, the history of mankind and its inter planetary achievements.

Entry to the hyperlapse.

The hyperlapse.

Martian surface (up on the terrace)

As the first batch of humans try to civilize the planet, they are growing their own food. These humans are inhabiting the craters on Mars' surface, 
in an artificial environment. The craters are safer as they provide shelter from the radiation outside as well as from the storms that are common on the planet.

The Space : Before and after :)

Thank you!

of Martian Lands - Scenographic Space Design