“Talons à bondir” are not a common pair of high heels. The heel is replaced by a spring
giving a pleasant sense of bouncing while walking, whereas there is also a certain instability.
In this way, they answer the workshop’s questions around the thematic of the gym,
producing an object that is attached to the body for the purpose of its detailed processing
and transformation from a clumsy conglomeration to a productive and capable machine.
On the other hand, the concept of “Pataphysics” refers to a science of imaginary solutions,
which symbolically attributes the properties of the objects described by their likelihood,
that is to say they take somehow the exception as a rule and are designing for it.
Within this framework, “Talons à bondir” takes the feminine form as an exception
to the rule of society. According to Simone de Beauvoir, in “The second sex”,
“humanity is male and man defines woman not in relation to herself but in relation
to him. She is not considered as an autonomous existence. For man, she is sex - absolute
sex, nothing less. She is defined and differentiated in relation to man and not
in relation to herself. She is the random, the insubstantial as opposed to him, who
is the basic one. He is the subject, the Absolute, she is the Other”, the exception.
In fact, going for a walk with your eyes wide open is enough to see that mankind
is divided into two classes of people whose clothes, faces, bodies, paces, and occupations
are obviously different. Perhaps these differences are superficial. They
may be doomed to disappear. What is certain is that most of them obviously exist.
At this very point of separation and exclusion, “Talons à bondir” are designed to take
this different class of individuals into consideration, and seek to attack its formalistic
image that has been prevailed as a model or stereotype in the gulf of modern society.
Supervisor: L. Papalabropoulos
Pataphysics, January 2017
Workshop Duration: 1 week

Talons à bondir

Talons à bondir
