This is an archive and website featuring daily suggestions from Google Autocomplete, using, Google Images, and Youtube, in 32 different languages.
The process is automated and repeated everyday. It works as if you typed the letters from A-Z, one at a time, onto the Google search box. But it’s done by a computer.
The archive shows some of the most popular searches for different languages. Some are intriguing and serious, others just weird and funny:
• French sometimes google “utube” when searching for Youtube.
• The periodic table is a hit.
• People really like (images of) quotes. Love quotes, life quotes, friendship quotes, inspirational quotes, funny quotes, Valentine’s Day quotes…
• There are people still using Hotmail.
• Images of diseases are quite popular: yeast infection, measles, hemorrhoids…
This is my Master Thesis project for the MFA in Design & Technology at Parsons. Some subsets of the full data — trends by language, site, and date — were output as prints for my installation at the MFADT Thesis Show. The prints were also generated with programming.
It is also part of a series of projects that explores what we can learn about culture and society through Google searches (see related projects).

I designed the prints and coded the website. The back-end uses Node.js and MongoDB. The prints were generated using Processing.

Autocomplete Archive

Autocomplete Archive
