Noel Layon Flores's profile

Encantadia 2016: Hagorn


Predecessor of Arvak, bloodline of Bartimus and lord of Hathoria. His obsession with the Devas gems is not entirely for vengeance of his father's death nor for his hunger for power over Encantadia. I believe an ancient kingdom like Hathoria has a much deeper philosophy when it comes to the concept of power.

Like his grandfather, Bartimus, Hagorn believes that the omnipotence of the Devas gem which is now divided into five singularities will only be wasted in the hands of the "Diwata" race.

"Why have the gods and goddesses given the mother gem to us if we are not to use it? Why just guard it when the realm could benefit more from its potential."

"Give the Devas power to us, for it is in our skill, our science that we can craft and build a stronger Encanadia! We are not lazy and compliant like the Diwata or Sapiryan who knows nothing but dwell in their traditions and reject progress. The Devas power is ours by right for we know what is for the greater good of our Encantadia!!!"

The 2016 version of Hagorn is based on Bushido design. We wanted a look that would show a culture built by constant war. The familiar silhouette of the Samurai is one of he most imposing image of intimidation so most of the motifs under Hagorn and his army would be of Bushido motif.
The armor with out the overcoat.
With out the armor
Inner wardrobe
In the story, the Hathor race lead by Hagorn was cursed  to look hideous by Mine-a and was later on cured by the Goddess , Ether.
Cursed Hagorn
Facial Tattoo designs
Hagorn's Crown
Encantadia 2016: Hagorn

Encantadia 2016: Hagorn

Hagorn, Lord of Hathoria
