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The Alphabet of Pinoy Slang

The Alphabet of Pinoy Slang
A typography project in my sophomore year at college. The brief was to make an alphabet in Letras y Figuras style based on any theme. I chose to compile words in the Filipino vernacular.

Ink and watercolor on watercolor paper

The cover shows a boy with some surprisingly-shaped street food.
Astig: cool, ballsy; from the Filipino word tigas meaning tough, hard or strong
Badtrip: bad luck, bad vibes; anything that makes you feel bad

Haggard: appearing worn or exhausted
Nosebleed: an intellectual overload; usually describes students during finals week. It's an example of how we Filipinos take english words and make them our own.
Tsong: a friend
Epal: to force yourself into the picture, to join uninvited into a conversation or to go where you're not wanted. From the Filipino word pumapapel (same meaning).
Injan: (n.) a no-show; (v.) to flake out on somebody

Yown: "that's it!!"; an exclamation of success. From the Filipino word iyon, (shortened to 'yun in casual conversation) meaning "that".
The Alphabet of Pinoy Slang

The Alphabet of Pinoy Slang

Letras y Figuras alphabet of Filipino slang
