sam rolfes's profile


We don't just print shirts, we don't just paint murals. We get boredeasily so we end up messing around with a variety of differentprojects, from prototyping to graphic novels we want to make the bestof what we're passionate about. Check it out.

We are an idea company and collective; we have a quickly growing network of artists, musicians, and business-people across the US and we take the talents of these highly skilled and ridiculously passionate creatives and apply their talents toward profitable projects.

If you are in need of design, of painting, of music, of promotion, of a product, of a DJ, of damn near anything artistic or musical, contact us!! Don't forget to hit up all the original content, interviews, tutorials, and the like @ JOINTHESTUDIO.COM and "like" us on Facebook for even more updates!

If you want to work with us on anything, and we mean , hit us up post-haste!!
So we got interviewed by the Art&Seek division of PBS's site andwhile it was over a year ago (dear God, I'm still wearing braces) thestuff said is still totally relevant

Our latest shirt, STYLE+SUBSTANCE, printed with fancy discharge based ink on American Apparel!! Discharge has a bleaching agent so that we can print white on black but keep the shirt super silky and nice for ya!!
Many of our shirts come in our own custom packaging which just adds that little bit of extra value for those nice and awesome enough to purchase our apparel!
The idea is that when you buy an LP or CD or something you get theliner notes, you get the disk, the cover, everything, but with digitalall you have is a file with sound; nothing to hold onto and appreciate.The packaging's not a huge deal but it sets us apart.
Our first in-house shirts being boxed up for sale a few years ago, still lookin good!
The inside of founder and designer/producer/dj Sam Rolfes's folded business cards. The idea is to communicate his skills and style immediately upon business encounter, not just forcing someone to find him on the web.
The outside of the business cards, JOIN THE STUDIO fools!!!!
Design for upcoming vinyl stickers, soon to be out and on the streets and plastered across artsy peoples' Macbooks!!!
Luchador mask meticulously crafted with rage and care by Studio co-founder and designer Steven Nguyen
Packaging and the shirt for our last run last year, still super sick!!
Stuffed animal made by Studio co-founder Matt Bolinger, and check out his super-sweet tutorial: , it's already been featured on blogs as one of the coolest!!
Our first foray into CMYK process printing, meaning we can print !!!!
Awesome illustration designed by Andy Rolfes and executed by Sam Rolfes in the 4-story stairwell for Brinker International a while back
A needlessly meticulous illustration by Sam Rolfes in the 4-story Brinker International stairwell




Creative Fields