Daniel Haro's profile

ProGauge Project in java + JSON :Data management

This program utilizes the following concecpts and skill set
Java, Lossless coupling, Polymorphism,JSON, implementation of interfaces for use with Static Classes(specifically ARRAYS.Sort())

This code is designed to take in field data from various electricaldevices used in the mining industry and prepare the data for insertion into adatabase.
import java.lang.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.google.gson.*;
import com.google.gson.JsonElement.*;
import com.google.gson.JsonArray.*;
import com.google.gson.Gson;

* file: Tester.java
* This is a control file to test my code for the Junior Delvoper position at ProGauge.
* @author Daniel Haro
* @see HashMap
* @see Arrays
* @see Vector
* @see Calendar
* @see Collection
* @see Iterator
########## DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE ########## */

public class Tester

* <p>Function RunProgram
* Run Program takes an incoming list of Devices and processes them
* to produce an indexed output List.
* <p> Notes, This implementation takes in a list of devices. The devices are copied into an Array.
* The array is then sorted using Arrays.sort(); The logic for the sort can be found in the
* Device subclasses(NumericalDevice and StateDevice) in the compareTo functions. The data is sorted by timeStamps
* simplifying the Accumulate process. The sorted array is then used to replace the data in Vector DeviceList.
* <p> The devices are now sorted by their recorded TimeStamp and can now be processed.
* The data is processed by indexing the device names. On the first occurrence of a device
* The Object device is recorded into a hashmap. The hashmap allows easy tracking of first occurrence
* of each device. In the event of additional occurrences of any given device, the data from the additional
* occurrence is appended to the existing Device object and the additional occurrence is dropped.
* Any occurrence of a device that is not dated for the current date, is rejected from the list and ignored.
* <p> Finally the Devices stored in the hashmap (the orginal list has now been been condensed) are copied back into an array where they are
* sorted by their Tag_Name. Then the array is passed back as output.
* @parm deviceList list of devices to be processed
* @return Device[] List of processed devices sorted by their Tag_Name

public Device[] RunProgram(Vector<Device> deviceList)
HashMap<String,Device> myMap = new HashMap<String,Device>();
int inputDeviceCount = deviceList.size() -1;
Device deviceProcessor = new Device();
Calendar TimeStamp = new GregorianCalendar();
String testDate = new String(TimeStamp.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "" + TimeStamp.get(Calendar.MONTH) + "" + TimeStamp.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
Collection<Device> myViewer;
Device[] outList;
int counter = 0;
outList = new Device[deviceList.size()];
counter = 0;
while(counter <= inputDeviceCount)
{ deviceList.add(outList[counter]);
counter = 0;

while(counter <= inputDeviceCount)

deviceProcessor = deviceList.get(counter);//;inputDeviceCount);
Device temp = myMap.get(deviceProcessor.getTagName());
System.out.println("type miss match error");//+ deviceProcessor.getType() +" -->" + temp.getType());
myViewer = myMap.values();
outList = new Device[myMap.size()];
counter = 0;
Iterator<Device> iter = myViewer.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
Object reader = iter.next();
outList[counter++] = (Device) reader;
return outList;

* Function Main
* <p> Notes, Generates and stores several Devices into a vector, the vector is then
* passed into the RUNPROGRAM function. The purpose of this is to set up conditons
* to test this programm.

public static void main (String[] args)
Device test = new Device();
Vector<Device> myList = new Vector<Device>();
Device generator = new Device();
Tester testme =new Tester();
int counter;
Device[] outList;
String testToken;
Gson mySon = new Gson();
JsonObject temp = new JsonObject();
int numOfTags;

myList.add(generator = new NumericalDevice("Pump2","39.4362",6,9,5,0));
myList.add(generator = new NumericalDevice("AWT3","510",6,9,5,0));
myList.add(generator = new NumericalDevice("Exhaust2","1537.164",6,9,5,0));
myList.add(generator = new StateDevice("Cooler2","ON" ,6,9,5,0));
myList.add(generator = new StateDevice("Cooler2","OFF" ,6,9,3,0));
myList.add(generator = new StateDevice("Cooler2","OFF" ,6,9,9,1));
myList.add(generator = new StateDevice("Cooler2","ON",6,9,1,0));
myList.add(generator = new StateDevice("Cooler1","on" ,6,1,9,1));
myList.add(generator = new StateDevice("Heater5","active",6,9,5,0));
myList.add(generator = new StateDevice("PRS2","FAIL" ,6,9,5,0));
myList.add(generator = new StateDevice("PRS1","Active" ,6,9,6,0));
myList.add(generator = new StateDevice("PRS1","INACTIVE",6,9,7,0));
myList.add(generator = new StateDevice("GPS","BakersField",6,9,5,1));

outList = testme.RunProgram(myList);
numOfTags = Array.getLength(outList);
counter = 0;
while(counter < numOfTags)
if(outList[counter].getType() == 0)
String outputString = mySon.toJson(temp);
outputString = outputString.replaceAll(",",",\n" + " " );
outputString = outputString.replaceAll("\\{","\\{\n" +" ");
outputString = outputString.replaceAll(":",": ");
outputString = outputString.replaceAll("}",",\n}");
StringTokenizer output2 = new StringTokenizer(outputString,", ",true);

testToken = output2.nextToken();

import java.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.google.gson.*;
import com.google.*;
public class StateDevice extends Device implements Comparable //implements DeviceInterface
private String tagName;
private String stringData;
private int deviceType = 1;
StateDevice(String tag,String data)
tagName = tag;
Boolean result = false;
stringData = data;

StateDevice(String tag,String data,int month,int day,int hour, int am_pm)
tagName = tag;
Boolean result = false;
stringData = data;
public String getData()
return stringData;
public void Accumulate(Device merge)
StateDevice temp = (StateDevice) merge;
stringData = (stringData + "\n" + temp.getStringData());

public String getStringData()
return stringData.toString();
public int compareTo(Object otherDevice)
If passed object is of type other than Device, throw ClassCastException.
if(!(otherDevice instanceof Device))
throw new ClassCastException("Invalid object");
String cTagName = ((Device) otherDevice).getTagName();
if(this.getTagName().compareToIgnoreCase(cTagName) !=0)
if( ((StateDevice) otherDevice).getAM_PM() - this.getAM_PM() != 0)
return( (this.getAM_PM()) - ((StateDevice) otherDevice).getAM_PM());
return(this.getHour() - ((StateDevice) otherDevice).getHour() );

private int getAM_PM()
{ return this.timeStamp.get(Calendar.AM_PM);}
private int getHour()
return timeStamp.get(Calendar.HOUR);
public int getDay()
return this.timeStamp.get(Calendar.DATE);
public int getMonth()
return this.timeStamp.get(Calendar.MONTH);

public String getTagName()
return tagName.toString();
public Boolean equals(Device otherDevice)
if (otherDevice.getType() == this.getType())
return true;
return false;
public int getType()
{return deviceType;}

public String toString()
return(tagName.toString() + " " + stringData.toString());
public JsonObject toJson()
Gson mySon = new Gson();
JsonObject temp = new JsonObject();
return temp;


public void SetData()
import java.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.google.gson.*;
import com.google.*;
<p> This is a polymorphic subclass of Device. This type of device stores data of type
public class NumericalDevice extends Device implements Comparable//DeviceInterface
//Expose tagName;
private String tagName = "";
private String stringData;
private Float floatData;
private int deviceType = 0;
* Numerical Device Constructor, Set the key elements of the time stamp using the Calandar class.
* Constructor also sets the name of the device and it's recored data.
NumericalDevice(String tag,String data,int month,int day,int hour, int am_pm)
tagName = tag;
Float test = new Float(data);
Boolean result = false;
floatData = new Float(data);

// Accessor for the objects data
//public String getFloatData()
// return (String) floatData.toString();
//private fucntion used to assist with compareTo function
private int getAM_PM()
{ return this.timeStamp.get(Calendar.AM_PM);}
//private fucntion used to assist with compareTo function
private int getHour()
{ return this.timeStamp.get(Calendar.HOUR);}
//private fucntion used to assist with compareTo function
public int getDay()
return this.timeStamp.get(Calendar.DATE);

public int getMonth()
return this.timeStamp.get(Calendar.MONTH);

public String getTagName()
return tagName.toString();
private Float getData()
return floatData;
public void accumulate(Device merge)
NumericalDevice temp = (NumericalDevice) merge;

floatData = this.getData() + temp.getData();
public Float getFloatData()
return floatData;
public String toString()
return(tagName.toString() + " " + floatData.toString());

public int compareTo(Object otherDevice)
If passed object is of type other than Device, throw ClassCastException.
if(!(otherDevice instanceof Device))
throw new ClassCastException("Invalid object");
String cTagName = ((Device) otherDevice).getTagName();
if ((this.getTagName()).compareToIgnoreCase(cTagName) != 0)
if(this.getAM_PM() - ((NumericalDevice) otherDevice).getAM_PM() != 0)
return(this.getAM_PM() - ((NumericalDevice) otherDevice).getAM_PM());
return(this.getHour() - ((NumericalDevice) otherDevice).getHour());


public JsonObject toJson()
Gson mySon = new Gson();
JsonObject temp = new JsonObject();
return temp;

public Boolean equals(Device otherDevice)
if (otherDevice.getType() == this.getType())
return true;
return false;
public int getType()
{return deviceType;}
public void SetData()
import java.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.google.gson.*;
import com.google.*;

public class Device implements Comparable //implments DeviceInterface
Calendar timeStamp = new GregorianCalendar();
//private String tagName;
private String objData;
// private Float floatData;
private String data;
//Constructor stub
public Device()

Device(String tag,String data,int month,int day,int hour, int am_pm)
// tagName = tag;
//Float test = new Float(data);
//Boolean result = false;
//floatData = new Float(data);
// tagName = tag;
objData = data;

//toString fuction
public String toString()
//Equals Method, Only checks for subtypes not data
public Boolean equals(Device otherDevice)
System.out.println("other device-->"+ otherDevice.getType() +"This Device-->"+this.getType());
if (otherDevice.getType() == this.getType())
return true;
return false;
//Stub for compare to used in subclasses for sorting
public int compareTo(Object otherDevice)
{return 0;}
//Numerically defines the subType of the Device
public int getType()
{return -1;}
//Accumulate Mutator stub
public void Accumulate(Device merge)
//Get Name of the device for this Object
public String getTagName()
return "Invalid Device";
public Boolean isCurrent()
return(timeStamp.get(Calendar.DATE) == (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.DATE));
private int getAM_PM()
{ return this.timeStamp.get(Calendar.AM_PM);}
private int getHour()
{ return timeStamp.get(Calendar.HOUR);}
public int getDay()
return this.timeStamp.get(Calendar.DATE);
public int getMonth()
return this.timeStamp.get(Calendar.MONTH);

public JsonObject toJson()
{return null;}

public Float getFloatData()
return(new Float(-1));
public String getStringData()
return "-1";

ProGauge Project in java + JSON :Data management

ProGauge Project in java + JSON :Data management

Sample Code


Creative Fields