Antonio Junior (Miami)'s profile

Three Broadway Etiquette Tips

The founder of Florida Conservation, Inc, located in Miami Springs, Antonio Junior oversees financial success through administering budgets and working with the company’s auditors and accountants. Outside of the office, Antonio Junior of Miami Springs enjoys visiting New York City to watch plays on Broadway. 

Before attending your first Broadway show, keep these three etiquette tips in mind to ensure that both you and other attendees have a good time. 

1. Dress - While some people prefer to dress up for a show, especially on opening night, there is no official dress code on Broadway. To fit in, consider going for the “business casual” look. Theaters often take full advantage of their air conditioning, so you might want to forego the shorts and sandals. 

2. Avoid Making Noise - Just like at the movie theater, turn your phone off or put it on silent and leave it in your pocket. It is also considerate to unwrap any cough drops or candy before the show.

3. Do Not Leave Early - While navigating the crowd after the show might prove tricky, it is discourteous to leave before the show ends. You might miss the ending or force others to miss it as their attention shifts to you.
Three Broadway Etiquette Tips

Three Broadway Etiquette Tips

The founder of Florida Conservation, Inc, located in Miami Springs, Antonio Junior oversees financial success through administering budgets and w Read More


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