Thornberg & Forester's profile

Movies on Demand / Everyone's A Critic

Movies on Demand / Everyone's a Critic

We were absolutely honored and excited when we were approached by our good friends at iN DEMAND to generate a campaign for Movies On Demand to be aired before and after the 2011 movie awards season. This became a unique opportunity to help MOD stand out from the competition.

After much creative creation and deliberation, we collectively moved forward with live action spots that juxtapose unsuspecting, “well-watched” movie critics with others who aren’t “in-the-know”. We created two main spots: one to be aired prior to the awards shows an
d the other to be aired after (as an extension of the first spots that contains the critics’ responses to which films/actors won and lost).

We were able to escape the 15˚ weather for a few days and shoot on three locations in sunny California. Simultaneously, our team built the 3D graphic engines for the spots at our headquarters in NY.

The campaign’s resultant creative was so well received that the media distribution was increased exponentially.

Services Rendered

Live Action Direction
Movies on Demand / Everyone's A Critic

Movies on Demand / Everyone's A Critic

We were absolutely honored and excited when we were approached by our good friends at iN DEMAND to generate a campaign for Movies On Demand to be Read More
