Letting Go
Size: 1.5ft x 2ft (series of 3) 
Medium: Oil Paints on Canvas

This painting focuses on the concept of letting go. This act is considered to be very difficult for many people, but the importance is never emphasized enough. Letting go is important, for people who are holding on to the bad things in life that prevent them from moving on and constantly hold them back. But at the same it is important to let go of a few of the good things in life as well, in order to help you move on. Simultaneously it is important to remember that once you let go, you might not be able to ever get it back, but one should understand that it may be for the better. 
In this painting the girl is a representation of an individual, and the balloons are symbols of the good and bad things or people in her life, which is depicted through the various colors. 
Letting Go

Letting Go
