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HP Elite Range - Facebook Canvas ADs

HP Elite Range -
Facebook Canvas Campaigns
HP Elite pc’s are made with obsessive attention to looks and power. The audience for the sleek, and sexy range lives on Facebook. We provided a range of ways of reaching this young, high spending, socially active group of millennias.

Elite Test
Elite Test. Facebook users love online tests and quizzes. The Elite Test is for people whose obsession with things – from work to leisure activities - is simply a way of life.
Elite Beauty Regime
How does HP make the Elite range so spectacularly stylish? All is revealed as we go behind the scenes to explore the dramatic secrets of their wonderful good looks – and discover that they are also made durable though a testing treatment that is utterly barbaric, merciless and punishing. 
Look of Love
Linking to the HP Elite ATL poster campaign, shows how easy it is to be captivated by beautiful design and great power.
HP Elite Range - Facebook Canvas ADs


Project Made For

HP Elite Range - Facebook Canvas ADs

HP Elite Range - Facebook Canvas ADs
