The Devil's Chair
Judges Quote:

“This was an example of design taking advantage of the capabilities of T-Splines without the designer succumbing of letting TS dictate the design. A good, humorous, and completely plausible design.”
In summer 2010, T-Splines held a contest for their users with theme “Model Your Organic Design in CAD.” I had two entries for the competition. First is the Diavolo Chair, and second is Meriva Office Chair.
T-Splines held this contest to gather the community, and to see how advance the software really is.
Started with a very rough idea to design a unique chair. I sketched Diavolo Chair on a piece of paper, and strictly model them in Rhino. From the first time, I know that it is almost an impossible job to finish this design entirely with Rhino.

Of course, Rhino has a lot of surfacing commands like loft, patch, sweep 1 and 2, and blend, but this surface is so complicated, and it could take weeks to complete. And with some rhino disadvantages of surface joining, I could trap into many naked edges, so the models would not be watertight to be printed in 3D.
So, I simply pick T-Splines to make the basic surface, and mix it with Rhino for some geometric shape (of the legs and glides).

Back to the idea of the chair, devil is a representation of an “evil, bad, or anything coincide with darkness, fear, cruelty, and a lot of other nasty things. And horns are just a great semantic that precisely represent a visual meanings of a devil.

The idea is to design something that quite aesthetic, hence represent some critics in other side. This design said that we have something bad lies within our self. So, we deserve to sit in this “devil chair”, regardless what job we have. Politicians, lawyers, designers, architects, we are a devil in some way.

Representing fun image in this design, bright and fancy colors are chosen. Basically there colors will be divided based on components. The horn, evil laugh, glide, and tensile fabric should have the same color. Combined with a single main frame color. Joining parts consist of one typed customized bolt.

Materials for the body would be Injected Polypropylene with tubular pipe to connect the seat and back. On the seat, attached high tensile stretch fabric,batyline® to hold the bodyweight. Legs made of chromed SPCC metal, solid pipe with 12 mm diameter.
Diavolo® Chair comes in two varies: the quad base legs (with self height adjustment), and the standard legs (look for the glides).

The chair can be functioned as a multipurpose one. Whether in a conference room, café, office, dining, or other space. Horns can be used to hang jackets, or purse.



Diavolo was an entry for T-Splines Design Contest 2010 and honorable mentioned.
