Claire Taylor's profile

rmit communication ball.

I got the opportunity to be an organizer for the RMIT Communication Ball.
I was responsible for the art direction and branding. I designed the posters 
and then organised for their production and positioning within RMIT.
It was also my responsiblity to maintain the social media presence of the Ball. 
I harnessed Facebook Pages and Events, Twitter, eDMs and QR Codes. 
I learnt a lot about how they all work behind the scenes and how the power of social media can make an event a success. 
We predicted that 200 people would attend, however due to the overwhelming enthusiasm across a number of social media platforms, we ended up selling 400 tickets.
The night was a great success even with a few blackouts due to the storm raging outside.I learnt a lot about dealing with issues you never thought you would have to and solving them in a manner that keeps everyone happy.
rmit communication ball.

rmit communication ball.

The very first RMIT Communication Ball.
