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Diversity & Inclusion Interactive Infographic 1/3

Title: Diversity and Inclusion Infographic
Media Type: Interactive PDF
Purpose: To research and produce a statistical infographic that explains the data related to the company needs analysis. This project is part 1 of 3 introduced as a diversity module. (see Training Needs Analysis below)
The infographic I designed captures interactive aspects and limits cognitive load by presenting content on mouse over. The colors were chosen because of their soft and complimentary tones while also being visually attractive together. I wanted to the infographic to stand out because of the content, not because of bright, flashy colors.
The graphic was built in sequential layers so it can be viewed on mobile devices as well as on computer screens giving the infographic a longer shelf life. The content of the infographic was researched and presented to educate new employees at a fictitious company and act as the start of the on-boarding diversity program. Each of the modules presented in the curriculum are based around the facts presented in this graphic. The graphic contains only information and images that are directly related to the topic to not create cognitive overload. Graphical hierarchy, size, shape and text principles were taken into consideration when designing the graphic. An assessment was built to analyze the learning outcomes. The learning outcomes related to this object include defining and describing discrimination in the workplace, understand statistics and determining how the learner personally fits into the statistics provided.
Since I a terrible drawer, I scripted out my storyboard using key wording ideas and thought about layout and positions. I like to design infographics with designated spaces for each piece of content even if I add or subtract content later. Once I researched and determined what statistics I wanted in the info graphic, I began to converting the percentages into circular graphs in Adobe Illustrator and increasing the transparency to create a nice background for the reveal interactions. I chose to use grey and blue since the infographic is based around purples and green tones. 
Using Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Photoshop, I designed and built each rectangular section of the infographic as a stand along image. This is where I could get creative since it does not involve drawing! I built the interactions in Acrobat by adjusting the layer properties and adjusting each layer visability. I used the same font throughout, however adjusted the color and face and size. 
Once the infographic sections were built, I add them together in Adobe Illustrator and created the layers for each interaction. Each interaction is clear to the learner and presents content that is related to the data in the rectangular layer. Below is infographic with all of the interactions complete and a video of the infographic in action.
By hovering the mouse over the question marks throughout the infographic, the percentage related to the content reveals allowing the user to read each piece of information individually. This again reduce cognitive load and helps the learner process the information. They can also quiz themselves by reading and determining the percentage before mousing over for the reveal. 
Diversity & Inclusion Interactive Infographic 1/3

Diversity & Inclusion Interactive Infographic 1/3

To research and produce a statistical infographic that explains the data related to the company needs analysis. The target audience is new hire Read More
