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Tómatelo en serio - Auto medicación (Selfmedication)


Los latinos somos mucho de compartir con amigos y familiares. Compartimos experiencias y consejos en comunidades para ayudarnos. También recetamos remedios caseros o medicinas entre nosotros sin acudir a profesionales porque confiamos más en personas conocidas y cercanas.
Las abuelas, con sus remedios caseros raros o las mamás recetando medicinas orgánicas o recetas viejas que les han dado a ellas o sus hijos, por ejemplo.
Una familia entera puede terminar compartiendo en cadena curas para enfermedades comunes y luego las comparten con vecinos, amigos, otros conocidos en el trabajo, la universidad, redes sociales o foros.

Consumir medicamentos sin conocimiento puede provocar consecuencias negativas serias. Debemos concientizar a las personas para que le den la importancia que merece a su salud y a los medicamentos que consumen.

Así llegamos a: Tómatelo en serio.


Recommended by the grandmother renting the house to the neighbours of the best friend of the childhood classmate of the youngest daughter of the boss of the mother of the twins, nieces of the husband of the cousin of the grand-aunt’s eldest, sister of the father of the grandson of the colleague of the son of the stepmother of the boy that married the single mother of the newspaper boy that comes every Tuesday + Rosemary + Menthol

Self-medicating doesn’t guarantee results.
Take It Seriously.


Recommended by the mom of the aunt of the sister of the husband of the nanny, niece of the brother-in-law divorced from the granddaughter of the stepfather of the cousin in third degree that married the adoptive girl of the political grandmother of the widow to the daughter of the mother-in-law of the cousin of the great-uncle of the of the daughter-in-law of the first degree cousin of the stepdaughter of the father of the watchman of the bakery on the second street of the neighbourhood + Chamomille + Desloratadine.

Self-medicating doesn’t guarantee results.
Take It Seriously.


Recommended by the aunt and godmother of the stepson of the niece of the great-granddaughter of the eldest brother of the ex-wife of the second husband of the first cousin, twice removed from the mother’s side of the grandfather’s husband, two times divorced from the grandmother of the middle sister of the single daughter of the only nephew of the orphan of the widow that lived in the Parisian-styled house at the corner of the end of the boulevard Anise + Sulfametoxazole.

Self-medicating doesn’t guarantee results.
Take It Seriously.
Tómatelo en serio - Auto medicación (Selfmedication)


Tómatelo en serio - Auto medicación (Selfmedication)

Campaign against self-medication in which popular medicines are presented as references to home remedies recommended by a chain of people to show Read More
