Collaborations with the publishing world. Picture book stories, covers and collections.
Cervantes and the Invention of Don Quixote by Manuel Azaña.
2005 was the year of the 5th century of Quixote. I celebrated illustrating this book.

ELR Ediciones. David Hernández de la Fuente Edition.
On May 3, 1930 Manuel Azaña, who years later would become president of the Second Spanish Republic, dictating a lecture on Cervantes and with great lucidity and anticipation of modern criticism on Don Quixote. This public reading, in which Azana the politician, the intellectual revealed his extraordinary oratorical gifts, and resulted in a volume published in 1930 and, under the title The invention of Don Quixote and other essays, contained a clever interpretation of the Cervantes' work, free at last from any nationalistic 
Cervantes and the invention of Don Quixote.
The conference is about to begin.
Pixel + Quijte = Pixote, the Quixote of the twenty-first century and the digital age.
Javier Cercas. The Speed of the Light, Swedish edition. Published by Bazar, 2007.
Illustration of the novel “Santo Diablo” of Ernesto Pérez Zúñiga.
Illustrating the stories of David Hernández de la Fuente.
They belong to the book "The gates of sleep", which was awarded in 2004 with the Prize of Young Art VIII from the community of Madrid, in its narrative mode, and was published the following year by Kailas.
The First Convention.
What happens when a group of experts in diverse materials are locked in a modern an impersonal convention center? How do you breathe in a bureaucratic and oppressive environment where you feel like dieing? What does hell look like?
Pictures of the Dead.
A story of a wealthy suburb. After her traumatic divorce, a woman experiences all the emptiness of her life between work, her son’s school, the drugs that kept her soulful. A dreamy and mysterious voice talks to her, as if dictating a sentimental will.
Journey to the most poetic hole in the Body.
Berlin, a sad, working class neighborhood. A fair has come with their wagons, garlands and sad monsters to entertain the daily tedium of the inhabitants of the city. Two children walk between crowded public attractions. There is only one curious, empty tent which promises something unusual, a trip into the body through a hole ...
At snack time.
The reflections of a prowler at the exit of a cinema, in front of the parade of people who have seen a movie. Their dreams, hopes and disappointments pass before the opaque view of a relentless observer.
The appetites of the body, the sound of a stomach on waking its primordial hunger resembles the longing of the soul to ascend. The funny thing is that the saliva and digestive juices are more spiritual than it is commonly thought: sublime and heavily droping down the dreamlike cavities of a bourgeois family at mealtime.
Do it! Do not try. The secret is in action.
ES editions. Pocket books of all types for all tastes.
Obama. The Voice of Change
Around the world in 80 recipes.
Infidels. Code of Ethics (Part I).
Stand up to the crisis. Survival Guide for Tough Times.
Brief and Eternals. Classic anthology of Spanish literature.
Mileurist banquet. Easy Recipes for difficult months.
Vampires and other disturbing creatures.
Great travelers that have changed history.