The pieces below were created on a freelance basis.
The collateral pieces were conceptualized, researched, designed, produced, and sent to print to meet the needs of clients. 
I was originally contacted to produce an illustration of a proposed device which turned into a marketing brochure for a device that aims radiation directly to the tumor and does not effect the surrounding tissue. The background was a tinted matte varnish and a gloss varnish covered all the art.
This marketing brochure for a water quality company consisted of a die-cut folder with an 8-page insert and a flap on the inside back cover to hold specific product sheets. The water shapes are filled with halftones printed in a beige tinted matte varnish and gloss varnish on the art.
I was asked to create a prototype for a manual for Microsoft Office which consisted of a unit opener, chapter opener chapter pages, features, and assessment pages. All of these were needed in one week and deliverables were electronic files with style sheets and a style guide for production.


Created from concept to completion for corporate clients on a freelance basis.
