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Assignment One- One Image Per Day

Tooth Paste Sketch
Again there was no special set up to this sketch.
As the theme for this week’s photos is change over time, this is represented in the sketch as the tooth paste container is currently full and over time will thin out as it becomes empty.
Upon reflection this image admittedly is simple but was good at being able to advance my skills. 
Violin Model Sketch
This image fits in with the theme as once this was a key instrument in composing music and although it is still used today, computers are extremely popular in the creation of modern day music. 
In my opinion the body of the violin is good, however, the top could do with improvement. 
Glasses Sketch
For this sketch there was no special set up required as it was a simple sketch of a pair of glasses.
The motivation behind this image is that I believed it would be easier than other objects and a good start to develop my poor drawing skills. 
After much practice, the sketch became closer to the object itself.  However, the ear pieces need further work.
Watch Sketch
No special set up was required for this image.
This sketch fits in with the theme as over time analog watches have gradually been replaced by digital watches and phones to tell time.  
Upon reflection this sketch needs work, mainly the watch face. 
Controller Sketch
This fits in with the theme as a long time ago this was futuristic technology but over time has been replaced with constantly evolving technology such as smart phones.
This sketch is very basic and by sketching it from a different angle could have improved it.  The arches at the bottom need more work as they're supposed to be even.  
For years the state had suffered from years of severe drought.  With no rain the plant life had died off, leaving the land barren and depraved.  Until now, for the last three weeks it had been raining non-stop, giving life to the previously dead fauna.  For young Jack Winslow it was the first time he’d ever seen plants so lush and beautiful.  It was so inspirational for him to see so much beauty in a previously dead area of the world.  Even something as simple as a leaf he appreciated, for the its unique beauty and style. 

Shutter Speed: 1/320
Aperture: 7.1
ISO: 400   
Every day the sun shone on exactly the same spot of the untouched guitar.  Every day the guitar collected more and more dust, never to have its chords strung again.  Jeremy Lewis had been a rising star, known around the world as a talented song writer and beautiful guitar player.  However, the world would never get to see him reach his full potential.  Five days ago, Jeremy Lewis’ body had been discovered by an unlucky cleaning lady in his hotel room.  They discovered a needle sticking out of his arm, revealing his drug addiction that ultimately killed him.  Due to the unfortunate circumstances of his death, Jeremy Lewis won’t be remembered for his rising fame, his charity work or his music.  He will forever be linked to the miss use of drugs that lead to yet another statistic. 

Shutter Speed: 1/30
Aperture: 3.5
ISO: 1600
Minutes.  That’s all it took, minutes.  In the space of minutes Jill had lost everything she had ever owned.  All her photo albums, family portraits and keepsakes gone in a blaze of fire.  But what hurt more than the loss of anything was the destruction of her home, her family’s home.  She’d had so many fond memories here, from moving in as a girl, growing up through the years, all the way to bringing her own daughter home from the hospital for the first time.  Now those memories will forever be tarnished with the mental image of her destroyed house.  Despite all the dark and gloom, she had survived and so did her baby.  She had friends and family to support her through this difficult time.  So she knew, that although she couldn’t see it right now, one day there’d be light at the end of this tunnel.

Shutter Speed: 1/160
Aperture: 6.3
ISO: 200
Not so long ago these hallways would have been bustling with school kids, saying good bye to their parents, meeting up with their friends and getting ready for a full day of classes.  But now they were empty, not a single hint at life anywhere.  This was all responsible for one group of people.  A group of terrorists threatening to bomb a random school.  People were taking this time to be with their families, where they felt safe, comforting each other through these difficult times.  Despite the world outside turning to shit around them, inside, amongst the walls of their houses, people cold fell safe with their families.

Shutter Speed: 1/5
Aperture: 4.5
ISO: 200
Tommy ran as fast as he could, tears streaking down his young face.  Running down the steep hill he slipped in the mud and was sent tumbling violently to the bottom.  As he came to a stop he immediately picked himself up and pushing past the pain, crawled into the large, gloomy drain pipe ahead of him.  He crawled deep inside, far far away from where anyone could ever find him.  Bringing his knees to his chest he held them there as he wept.  Despite his attempts to block them out, the memories flooded into his head.  He saw the mental image of his father punching his mother, knocking her to the ground.  He remembered the distinct smell of blood in the air, causing him to vomit.  But what was more memorable then any of it, the part he wanted to forget the most, were the sounds.  His mind raced with the sounds of his father’s verbal abuse as he beat his mother.  The sound of his mother’s screams echoed inside his mind as he stood helpless from the stair case.  This is where he’ll stay, for as long as possible, he’ll stay in this pipe, away from the horrors of his life.  As odd as it seemed this was where he felt safest. 

Shutter Speed: 1/100
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 400 
Initial Sketch for panel one of the comic task. 
Initial Sketch for panel two of the comic series.
Initial Sketch for panel three of the five panel comic series.
Initial Sketch for panel four of the comic series.
Initial Sketch for final panel one of the comic series.
This was the first image in the final version of the comic series. 
This was the second panel in the final version of the comic series. 
The third panel in the completed five panel comic project. 
The fourth panel in the completed comic series. 
The fifth and final panel in the completed five panel comic project. 
The first image was taken using studio lighting. 
For the other images in the series I had to improvise the equipment from home, which lead to pictures of lower quality then the first.   
This image similar to the previous is me experimenting with different lighting. 
I continued to experiment with different lighting techniques for this image.   
This was the final image in my lighting images. 
For the texture image I found a texture of a painting in my house.  After taking the images I imported it to Photoshop and added the text and logo. 
This image was my geometric pattern created in Illustrator.   
This image was my attempt at an experimental image. I attempted to reproduce the images scene the show Food Safari.  However, I had limited materials to use.
The second experimental image in this series was a simple Z made out of lit candles. 
The final experimental Image in this series was a smiley face made out Play-Doh.  I used water and food dye to colour his eyes. 
This image was the first in my macrophotography series and was one of the two where I used studio lighting. 
For the final macrophotography photo I used the tilt shift effect in Photoshop. 
Assignment One- One Image Per Day

Assignment One- One Image Per Day

This is my completed assignment one.
