Rev Cruz's profile

"Stepping Stones, Story Stones"

"Stepping Stones, Story Stones"
School: Malanday Elementary School, Marikina City, Philippines
Theme: Polluted River
Facilitator/Artist: Rev Cruz

It took millions of years for the rivers to take shape and bring forth life, but it only takes an instant for humanity to destroy it. The students of Malanday Elementary School were taught on the importance of keeping our rivers alive focusing on the richness of River Witham and how through the years, it has been facing issues of pollution slowly encroaching on its pristine beauty. The students expressed their awe of River Witham through story stones, painting each stone to depict the river, its flora and fauna and the people depending on it and combining everything to create a river with a unique heritage. They then covered the river with a quick drawing of dirty pollution. After which each one removed a piece of pollution to reveal a cleaner, more beautiful river while declaring an oath to always keep their river clean and safe.
Pencil Study
The six artworks produced under the "rivers of the world" project of British Council Philippines for 2016.
Currently on display at The Queen's Walk in London. Soon to be exhibited at Marikina City, Philippines on October.
"Stepping Stones, Story Stones"

"Stepping Stones, Story Stones"

Collaborative art with the students of Malanday Elementary School of Marikina City, Philippines for British Council Philippines' Rivers of the Wo Read More
