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Domtar: Make Your Mark on Cougar

Make Your Mark on Cougar® explores the idea that different businesses have different needs, through four personas—The Artisan, The Restaurateur, The Humanitarian and The Legacy. Our goal was to highlight how Cougar, with its lineup of offset and digital papers in a variety of weights, is a perfect solution for any business looking to create a cohesive and integrated system of materials. Additionally, it shares our design tips and advice on how to use Cougar most effectively, while showcasing a suite of interactive printed results.

We crafted unique identities for each of the four personas, treating them as real clients, and designed systems of materials appropriate to their needs.
Craft & Trade, the artisan persona, features a retail start up centered around hand-crafted items and ephemera. The identity we designed portrayed a warm and humanistic look by featuring beautiful product photography and a palette of rich colors. The components of the system, from the hang tag to the stepped accordion brochure, are tactile, warm and personal.
Tend, the restaurateur persona, highlights a farm-to-table restaurant experience that focuses on serving fresh dishes with a modern twist. The system we designed utilized different printing techniques, from letterpress coasters to digitally printed business cards and menu.
Bask Foundation, the humanitarian persona, portrays a non-profit humanitarian organization funding pediatric aid around the globe. The design of materials needed to set a serious tone, but be eye catching and impactful. Using a bright pink neon spot color, the design was left simple and quiet, but the colorful effect of the printed components speak volumes.
Dalton Press, the legacy persona, highlights a family legacy taking over a printing business and modernizing it. An oversized direct mail brochure is the centerpiece of the set and establishes the history of the company while discussing the technological innovations the company has established to modernize the business. The design is a balance of old and new, juxtaposing vintage imagery with modern design flourishes.
The piece debuted at the 2016 How Design Live Conference in Atlanta, Georgia and has since been featured in the Graphis 2017 Design Annual.
Design Michael Beukema
Creative Direction Geoff German
Copywriting Wayne Geyer
Client Domtar
Domtar: Make Your Mark on Cougar

Domtar: Make Your Mark on Cougar

Make Your Mark on Cougar® is a promotion for Domtars line of Cougar papers. It explores the different needs of different businesses through four Read More


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