Thomas Duffy's profileSam Stewart's profile



Pact is a standalone home security system that is based from a monitoring unit utilising proximity sensing, video and audio recording and a clever key system as well as separate monitors for extra security around the home. It operates through the home WiFi network and uses smartphones and an application interface to set up, control and monitor the system. Pact recognises when a smartphone is connected to the network and uses this as a smart key arming or disarming the security system. This eliminates the often unpleasant passcode process apparent in many home security systems on the market. 

Pact operates by using the home WiFi network allowing Pact to be an isolated and standalone system with no reliance on external resources evident in most standard home security systems. The installation, monitoring and maintenance processes can now be executed by the user where typically these were handled through external companies. Connecting the system is done through the application making the installation process simple and hassle free. Being controlled internally ensures that the system is secure from people outside the network and from people without access. The system only draws a small amount of data as a result of the uploading of video streamed content to the user’s phone. Other benefits of utilising WiFi connectivity include: automatic or user controlled software updates, the ability to disconnect, transport and reconnect the system without affecting the settings or user defined presets as well as the ability to monitor the home remotely through the smartphone application. 

The main component of this system is the Pact monitor unit which can be positioned anywhere in the home with WiFi connectivity. This small cylindrical tower has a minimal user interface with only one button on the product. Using intuitive gestures this button turns the device on and off, syncs the device to other monitoring units and temporarily disables monitoring. This is aided by a subtle, unobtrusive internal lighting system that provides immediate feedback and communicates the devices current operations to the user. Positioned at the front of the unit is a small wide angle camera that captures motion when the system is armed. At the rear, below the button is a USB Micro B connection to power the device through a rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery and is also used to extract any data stored on the internal memory. The product was designed to be integrated within any household so a monochromatic aesthetic combined with a contemporary minimalist form was employed. 

Sam Stewart // Thomas Duffy // David Chapman

Application Interface
Project Documentation


Pact is a stand alone home security system that operates through the home Wi-Fi and controlled through an application interface and key system.
