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Libro visivo - Taccuino di un vecchio sporcaccione

Redesign of the book “Notes of a dirty old man” by Charles Bukowski

The purpose of the project is to convey the author's poetics through the appearance of the book he wrote. The focus of the research was his raw writing style and the censorship whereof Bukowski was victim.

The sha
pe, the layout and all the graphic choices were made in order to turn the book itself into a visual statement of the censorship's theme. This intervention was made on the original content through the use of black boxes, the hidden curses can be found inside the binded pages (handwritten in red): therefore it is up to the reader whether to tear them off or not, to fully understand Bukowski’s masterpiece.

japanese handmade bookbinding

book size — 148 x 180 mm 
n. of pages — 316


Libro visivo - Taccuino di un vecchio sporcaccione

Libro visivo - Taccuino di un vecchio sporcaccione

Politecnico di Milano Laboratorio di sintesi finale → 2016 Prof. Mario Piazza, Marco Pea, Luca Pitoni size: 14,8 cm x 18 cm n. of pages: 316 ja Read More
