Tiny Town, Colorado Blog Post
September 5, 2016
It’s the day after my birthday, I wake up before anyone else does, and the house is quiet and still.  While I lie awake on this early Monday morning, this is the first time in awhile that I feel like I’m alone with my thoughts and that I’m able to think.  And for the first time in my life my age made me feel old; not really because it’s a number thing, but I think it has more to do with the fact that last year was a year full of unintended growth.

So instead of feeling old, we planned this super wonderful adventure to Tiny Town- a little town in Colorado dedicated entirely to tiny houses.  The story goes that a man named George Turner started building tiny, yet life sized, houses for his daughter in 1915.  Throughout the years Tiny Town has been destroyed by numerous natural disasters, but the public has restored and rebuilt tiny houses and buildings. Tiny Town also has a train ride for parents and children that opened in 1990.  And if you’re interested in reading more about Tiny Town’s history, you can check it out here.

The really cool part is that it’s not just a row of tiny houses only for viewing.  Little kids can go through some of the houses, like the Fire Station, or the Windmill, or the Opera House… there are several others they can go through too, I just can’t remember… probably because of that old age thing. ;)

I think the greatest part of this super wonderful adventure to Tiny Town is that I didn’t feel so old.  I got to walk around and watch Livi experience these tiny houses, and see other kids her age experience them too. I felt young again, because exploring makes me youthful, and so does my little pumpkin pie.

As I’m started to find new wrinkles appear and losing my train of thought, I need to remember that being young is all about perspective.  So, tell me the secret to your youth: what keeps you all young?
Tiny Town

Tiny Town

A blog post about our family visit to Tiny Town, CO


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