In this Project, I decided to redesign the Corparate Design of the ticketselling Company "Eventim".
The aim was to provide a modern and cleaner overall picture.
In this entry, I want to show you a sneak peak of the things I have worked on.
I did this redesign on my own and for myself. Eventim did not assign me to do it.
The design consists of the 3 colors "dark black" "golden yellow" and "light gray",
as well as Black and White.
The Logo
the logo of eventim has remained the same for years. Therefore, I have decided to draft a new logo design.
Yet I didn't want the old logo to be overlooked.
So I designed the "e"s of the lettering in lowercase letter and the rest of the lettering in uppercase letters.

The lowercase "e" is thus a special letter and will play an important role in further design.
In addition to outdoor advertising, I wanted to make the mobile app simple and cleaner, but still base on the old mobile app.
Because it is a ticket sale site, I also had to design and set guidelines for tickets.
If you like my work, I would be thankful for a like or a comment! 
eventim Redesign

eventim Redesign

This Project is a redesign of Eventim
