Graphic Design Portfolio
of Chrystal Colwell
Green Magazine Assignment: created everything from the magazine title to the ad on the back cover. Did not take the photos nor write the articles.
Branding Assignment: Come up with a bakery business name and concept, then brand it. Wanted to stay away from the expected. Decided to create a tougher image that centered around the bakery's signature item, "Baker's Balls" (pictured in the website homepage & used in the logo in the B's).
Posters and business card for A2O Fitness
Boise City Re-branding Assignment: Create a new logo for the City of Boise. Created new logo along with collateral pieces such as: lapel pin for the mayor, vehicle graphics, city employee shirts and clean graffiti stencil.
Ads & invitations created while working at Paisley Roberts
Various posters created for local bars
More posters created for local bars
Poster made for local business
This is a Christmas gag gift for my Catholic mother-in-law. I took pictures of my husband and replaced all of the faces with the pictures I took.
Dr. Grigore Mailer: Front
Dr. Grigore Mailer: Back
Elective Surgery Brochure: Outside
Elective Surgery Brochure: Inside
Design Work

Design Work

This is a combination of professional and student design work. The captions beneath each image will provide that information.
