Khafiya is a new female apparel brand for moeslem from Indonesia
Client's Brief :
Story behind the name : "Khafiya" is taken from Arabian language "Khofiyah" which means "hidden", or "covered"
The name was chosen to depict every female moeslem obligation which is to always completely covered their body according to moeslem's standard.
Logo needs :
The client needs a logogram and logotype to visualize the idea of Khafiya and include the tagline which is "Elegance Of Covered". The client prefers a bold logo that can stand out it with 1 color, and symbolizing combination of "feminine" and "strong" in the image.
Khafiya Logo's grid. Made from simple shapes to give it a bold looks that client wanted
Combining the image of "strong" and "feminine" was a bit tricky. So I decided to go feminine in the visual content and packs it with strong visual style. In that way, both features are acquired. The visual content is a flower that hasn't bloomed. I choose that because flower is easily relate to feminine things, and the petals that hasn't bloomed is covering something precious inside. Thus it fits perfectly to symbolize the meaning of this brand.
Khafiya's new basic logo
I used the visual characteristic of "Hijaiyah" letter which is the curved and pointy looks into the logogram to make it has more "middle-eastern" look. At the center of the closed petals, I put a "light" icon, to symbolize that the petals are covering something precious inside. So all of the visual elements in the logogram are delivering the message of this brand.
I choose the sans-serif font type to give it more bold and strong looks. It also gives benefits such as good readability and fits current trends. Credits to the creator of "moderne sans"
Once the basic design is done, it's time for the fun part. Experimenting on the variants. This is why I love flat-single-color logo. Once the shape has been built, we can go crazy with the variants.
Readability in black and white are good, and some feminine colors suits well too
I use golden color palette for this bicolor variant
warm and cool color gradient application
golden texture with glow variant. A bit to much I think
Embroidered Application (mock-up credits to :
Thanks to Natasya F.P. for the opportunity
Follow Khafiya Hijab on Social Media
Instagram : @khafiya_hijab & @khafiyaquotes

Facebook :
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Khafiya Logo

Khafiya Logo

A logo for islamic female apparel brand
