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Gender Roll Toilet Paper Installation

The restroom is a private place. Some people use it as an escape, others are ashamed of using it. Art rarely takes place in places like these. So with some confused looks from the people at Anderson Ranch we decided to bring art the the toilet. 
No sketchbooks were hurt in the creation of this art.
As I was thinking about the bathroom, I started to think about peoples' toilet paper habits. You know like the fold versus bunch. Then I looked at the single-ply-almost-translucent toilet paper I had sitting in front of me and I thought: 

What if I can say something about gender roles with this toilet paper roll? 
Since we couldn't actually put cameras inside of the bathroom, here is how the user would interact with the gender roll.
Users were prompt to "Fold and flush away this GENDER ROLL"
and flush they did...
Watch video for complete Anderson Ranch work and process. 
Gender Roll Toilet Paper Installation


Gender Roll Toilet Paper Installation

Toilet paper installation at Anderson Ranch.
