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This New Moment

In­stal­la­tion, LED dis­play board. 2014 Video doc­u­men­ta­tion, du­ra­tion: 01’38”
Cre­ated in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Alexan­der Let­cius.
Set in a way that nearly hurts the view­er’s eyes by emit­ting the bright­est pos­si­ble cold, white light - the text run­ning across the LED dis­play board repet­i­tively states: “…This very mo­ment, has al­ready be­come the past – This very mo…” etc. Text placed in a time-based di­men­sion and in a spe­cific spa­tial con­text re­sults in the dis­tor­tion of the orig­i­nal tex­t’s semi­otic fea­tures - its ma­te­r­ial per­ma­nence looses its per­ma­nence. Now the text is used to ex­press the flow of time, by point­ing read­ers at­ten­tion to the very mo­ment of ‘now’.
The viewer reads the text - which re­lent­lessly man­i­fests the mo­ment of now – whilst si­mul­ta­ne­ously ex­pe­ri­enc­ing the re­frac­tion of his own per­cep­tion of time, since we tend to for­get our­selves whilst im­mersed in the read­ing process.
This re­veals the ba­sic hyp­notic prop­erty of any time-based me­dia and semi­otic fea­tures of text. The work could be con­sid­ered as a mon­u­ment to the ir­re­versibil­ity of the flow of time. 
This New Moment

This New Moment

The viewer reads the text - which re­lent­lessly man­i­fests the mo­ment of now – whilst si­mul­ta­ne­ously ex­pe­ri­enc­ing the re­frac­tion of Read More
