London Trash

London Trash is a web application designed to simplify the business of putting out the garbage.
Built as part of a two day hackathon in collaboration with the local Open Data community, and hosted by UnLondon in their UnLab hacker space at the University of Western Ontario Campus, the app enables users to easily determine their households collection schedule, set up reminders, and access city information on waste collection.

As part of the development and design team I worked on creating the overall design aesthetic, developing user personas, wire-framed layouts and user flow, and implemented the resulting decisions in concert with the development team. 
User is greeted with a single field prompt to enter their address in plain language.  
Results page presents the next available regular pick up for that zone in large clear type in plain language accompanied by the date. Users can also reference a calendar for their past and future pickups, set up notification services, and import the schedule into their personal calendar software.

Included in the mandate was an educational component on the city's waste disposal policies, and information about landfills and reducing waste. 
 Mobile optimized version of the site. 
Wireframes, and user persona outlines on the whiteboard. 
Architecture brainstorming.
Discussing content outlines with Shawn and James.
Team photo at the end of day one.
London Trash App

London Trash App

London Trash is a web application designed to simplify the business of putting out the garbage.
