Erin James's profile

Eau Claire Cavaliers Baseball Team

(This project is from 2009, over 10 years ago) 

In  college I did my marketing internship with a local baseball team where I did social media marketing for them, created marketing materials, email campaigns, etc.  I also created a website for them from scratch.  I do not label myself as a web developer but I self taught myself to create my own content management site from scratch (without using Joomla, Wordpress, or Drupal etc.) I learned php, sql, etc. to be able to create this site for them.  This site is less about demonstrating my design capabilities and more about demonstrating my self drive and self determination.   

 I created a CMS where the customer can login to the website and update content that needs to be frequently updated like the standings, photos, and news.  I also made the news dynamic;  when you add a news post, the front page updates, the news page updates, and the news archive updates.  On the current news page, I made it so that only the most recent news post is shown.   I incorporated jquery in the navigation and the slideshow. I also created databases in phpmyadmin.

HTML, PHP, CSS, and Javascript. 

1.  Make all of the content dynamic.
2.  Make the pages responsive
3.  Add an e-commerce page
I was in charge of updating the Eau Claire Cavaliers' social medias.  I would tweet throughout the game, while taking photos, videos, and uploading them to their website.    I also designed their cover page for their Facebook and Twitter page.  I would promote different events for them through their social medias and I would advertise upcoming games along with news about the players on the team.  I Also created short video clips of their players and clips of their games and uploaded them to their YouTube channel.  I used the different social medias and their website to promote each other.   I had a lot of responsibilities during each game.

Roles Before Game:
Update Facebook and Twitter, advertising the upcoming games.
Roles During Game:
Take photos
Take videos; interview the players​ and coaches
Tweet throughout the game

Roles after Game:
Updating the Stats on the web site
Writing a press-release on the website
Updating Facebook and Twitter, announcing the result of the games.
Editing Videos and uploading
Other Roles:
Creating a whole new website
Maintaining their current website
Managing their Social Medias
Editing photos
Editing Videos and uploading
Designing posters and posting them around Eau Claire and   Menomonie  
Completing any other tasks they may have for me
Eau Claire Cavaliers Baseball Team

Eau Claire Cavaliers Baseball Team

Before After During the summer of 2012, I had an internship with the Eau Claire Cavaliers baseball team, a non-profit organization. I re-made the Read More
