Señora Lavery
Exhibition piece for PUNT NUA - Creative Economics
Señora Lavery - Inspired by the following extract from The Freeman's Journal - 29 May 1922
 A secret alliance between South American states and the Republic of Ireland came to light yesterday. The newly formed committee for Latino Monetary Union (LMU) appears to have held high level meetings with a delegation of Irish Ministers, including Éamon de Valera, with a view to Ireland replacing the Irish Pound. The Secretary of State for Finance, Michael Collins, refused to comment on the speculation but it is believed prototypes of the notes are secretly being worked on.
More about the American wife of the artist Sir John Lavery and how she became the 'archetypical Irish girl' that appeared on the first Irish free state notes in 1928.
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Señora Lavery


Señora Lavery

The Freeman's Journal 29 May 1922 A secret alliance between South American states and the Republic of Ireland came to light yesterday. The newly Read More
