Paian Huang's profile

Filigree Poster Design

2016 poster design 

台灣之美在哪裡?我說台灣的鐵花窗很美, 當陽光灑落花窗,捲曲的線條剪影照印在牆上,斑駁的素白牆面也因此而華麗。我把這件作品取名叫做Filigree金絲銀線,Filigree原意指的是金銀裝飾藝術品,我把它拿來美譽台灣的鐵花窗,在陽光的照映下,就如那些閃閃發光的金工珠寶一樣美麗動人。

The patterns of traditional window grille in Taiwan are very beautiful, especially when the sunlight shining through the pattern grille and glass window, causing light projected pattern as shadows on walls, somehow it creates an atmosphere of silent luxury. 
Pattern shadows transform and vanish with light, no light no shadow, it makes the shadow delicate, beautiful yet fragile. Just like filigree. Filigree is a delicate ornamental work of fine silver, gold, or other metalworks, people use the word to describe anything delicate and fanciful. Filigree corresponds the images of Taiwan traditional pattern window grilles and also conveys the idea of precious fragile shadow. 
Filigree Poster Design

Filigree Poster Design

Poster design discover hidden beauty
