Full Sail University Portfolio: Composition & Visual Design
Andres' approach to filmmaking is explained in 65 seconds. Shot on the Sony FS5, this is the first-ever short by the author.
The Alamo at Dawn
Sony PXW-FS5, 50mm, f/16, ISO 6400, white balance 6000k, infinity focus, shutter 1/24 second.
San Antonio City Center
Sony PXW-FS5, 24mm, f/16, ISO 6400, white balance 8000k, infinity focus, shutter 1/6 second.
Flag at Half-Staff for Orlando
Sony PXW-FS5, 50mm, f/16, ISO 3200, white balance 6400k, infinity focus, shutter 1/48 second.
Jamie Haines
Sony PXW-FS5, 85mm, f/2.8, ISO 1000, white balance 5300k, focus 6 ft, shutter 1/200 second, 1/64 ND.
At The Track
Sony PXW-FS5, 50mm, f/2.8, ISO 1000, white balance 5300k, focus 4 ft, shutter 1/200 second, 1/64 ND.
Jessica Moreno
Sony PXW-FS5, 85mm, f/2.8, ISO 3200, white balance 3200k, focus 6 ft, shutter 1/48 second, 1/8 ND.
Self Portrait
Sony PXW-FS5, 50mm, f/2.8, ISO 1000, white balance 3200k, focus 4 ft, shutter 1/576 second.
Faithful Friend
Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 50mm, f/1.4, ISO 3200, white balance 3700k, focus 2.5 ft, shutter 1/50 second.
*Unfortunately, Buddy passed away after 11 years in our family. He will always be missed.
CVD Portfolio

CVD Portfolio

Final portfolio project for the Composition and Visual Design I course at Full Sail University. Professor: Randy Baker. (2016)
