Font made out of the combination of the Interstate Extra-light and the Bodoni Old Style - created during the Masters year. This font’s main concept it that a rigid letter can become feminine with the addition of a single round element, like the drop of an older font. I chose to transform the Interstate - one of my favorite fonts - with the shape of a drop which I find very elegant and aesthetic in general. In this new font, the drop makes the letter, it is the overwhelming element and overshadows the rest of the letter, hence creating an irregular pattern of drops among rigid shaps. One can then put the letters together to form words and choose to put them close of not to each other, drops can overlap or not, it all depends on the overall effect one wants to get.
The posters in French contain an expression very macho and masculine, an ironic statement as opposed to this feminine font.
DropDead Type

DropDead Type

Student work on the creation of a new font and its use in posters
