message in a bottle
275,000 tonnes of plastic are used each year in the UK, that’s about 15 million bottles per day.
Most families throw away about 40kg of plastic per year, which could otherwise be recycled.
The use of plastic in Western Europe is growing about 4% each year.
Plastic can take up to 500 years to decompose.
1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 3 hours.
zu verschenken
 Zu verschenken literally means "to give away" and is one of the friendliest customs of the Berliners for recycling furniture. 
10 million items of furniture are thrown away in the UK every year. 
3 million of these items could be easily re-used; more could be repaired.

typewriter renaissance
Electronic rubbish, and computer equipment in particular, is a rapidly expanding stream of UK waste. 
Also known as e-waste, it often ends up in the developing world, and the UN’s Environment Programme is alarmed by the amount of electronic goods which is improperly disposed of overseas, specially in Africa, Asia and South America.
Many obsolete and malfunctioning computer keyboard can be reused or recycled. However, these malfunctions are not repaired due to the relatively low price of replacing them. 
still alive

still alive

It has become increasingly apparent that human beings must make some major changes in order to reverse some of the damage they have done to the e Read More
