Marion Dönneweg's profile

Solvia Banco Sabadell

The agency * S, C, P, F, … wins Solvia account, the real estate of Banco Sabadell, and asks me the art direction, and above all, to create a different language. The real estate industry tradiotionally is not known for making a very sophisticated communication, and now, thanks to the crisis, is the worst time in history. It is therefore a delicate project.
I created a totally different visual universe from what we are used by real estate style, and presented an art direction based on very simple illustrations, at the beginning in black and white that evaluated to more poetic colored illustrations. The tone is serious, thoughtful, poetic, humane and above all, with a lot of empathy with the consumer. I wanted to put ourselves in the shoes of who will buy (rent) a house , with his dreams, fears and expectations. A house is much more than 1oo m2 with three bedrooms, parking and storage. It´s your home.

Laus 2014 (Silver Creatividad publicitaria “Solvia posicionamiento”)
Laus 2014 (Bronze Diseño gráfico “Solvia posicionamiento”)
Laus 2015 (Creatividad publicitaria “Burbuja”)
Laus 2015 (Creatividad publicitaria “Pájaros”)
Laus 2015 (Creatividad publicitaria “Flores”)
CdeC 2014 (Dirección de arte Solvia “Barrio”)
CdeC 2014  (Dirección de arte Solvia “Olas”)
CdeC 2014  (Ilustración Solvia “Barrio”)
CdeC 2014  (Ilustración Solvia“Olas”)
CdeC 2014  (Ideas “Campaña posicionamiento”)
CdeC 2015 (Oro Dirección de arte Solvia “Pájaros”)
CdeC 2015 (Oro Dirección de arte Solvia “Casas con flores”)
CdeC 2015 (Oro Dirección de arte Solvia “Burbujas”)
CdeC 2015 (Bronce Mejor uso de la ilustración Solvia “Pájaros”)
CdeC 2015 (Bronce Mejor uso de la ilustración Solvia “Casas con flores”)
CdeC 2015 (Bronce Mejor uso de la ilustración Solvia “Máquina de escribir”)

Art Direction: Marion Dönneweg
Creative Direction: Toni Segarra, Miguel Madariaga, Marion Dönneweg
Illustration: Carmen Segovia
Photograpy: Roc
Client: *S,C,P,F,…, Banc Sabadell
Solvia Banco Sabadell

Solvia Banco Sabadell

Art direction for the real estate of Banco Sabadell.
