Package Design
Brown Rice Packaging
In some parts of the world the words “to eat” literally mean “to eat rice.” This is because rice is the most widely consumed grain in the world. It feeds a third of the worlds population. Brown rice packs a double punch by being a concentrated source of the fiber needed to minimize the amount of time cancer causing substances spend in contact with colon cells, and being a great source of selenium. Which is a mineral that has been proven to substantially reduce the risk of colon cancer.
I decided to make a rice package into a chinese container. They are single servings that have a fill line for water and all that is needed is for the rice to be microwaved. Quick and simple just the way brown rice should be for people who want something healthy and are in a rush.
This is the logo that was created for the brown rice box.
This is the front and side of the container.
This is the back of the container.
Rice Box

Rice Box

Packaging for brown rice.
