Patrícia Assis's profile

Faces of Kreaktiv/ Лицата на Креактив

Nikola Bogesvki, 21 years old

“I could define CreACTive in three words: Change, opportunity, and relationships. Change because when I came to CreACTive I was different, opportunity because it gave me the chance to be an EVS too, and relationships… every type of relationship”.
Ristenče Janevska, 13 years old

“I have been coming to CreACTive during the last 2 years. They told me in school that there were English classes here. I’ve become addicted to it. It’s so fun here! I am happy here and I come to feel relaxed. I like it because we have parties and cool people”.
Dario Modugno, 25 years old

“Once, during our training course, they told us to make a list with 50 things that we thought we had learned in this period. After I started, I found out how easy it was, and for sure I’m not going to do the same now. What I can say is that I hardly recognize myself from what I was and what I think I am now. For sure now I know better what youthwork is, how to cope with responsibilities and hitches and how to ration out my energies on a weekly schedule”.
Sheila Quigley, 24 years old

“My main project focuses on sexual health and pregnancy prevention. It went well, the young people who attended got really involved in the workshops. In the future, Patrícia and I plan to develop an LGBT project.
My dream is to become a professional youth worker and maybe to open my own youth center. Go for gold!”.
Nikola Joskov, 23 years old

“Before CreACTive existed, we had no idea where to go, with just a small circle of friends. I have been coming here for 4.5 years. Without CreACTive, Kavadarci would be much less interesting. It is really good to have foreigners here. I can practice my English, learn about new cultures, and also meet more local people”.
Aleksandra Ristova
“Being part of creACTive’s team means having another family. Our inspiration are youth and it’s a lot of satisfaction when you're part of their development process and the feeling that you've helped someone is something that gives you hope and strength to proceed further. I have worked with over 60 young volunteers from all over Europe and America, they gave me a wonderful experience and impeccable asset - friendship. Being a coordinator at the Youth Center creACTive is not easy, but a privilege that gives you a different view of the world”.
Perttu Juuti, 21 years old
Zagorka Popova, 19 years old

“My biggest dream is to be a handball player. CreACTive, for me, is best place for socializing and new knowledge. I like it here”.
Dragan Atanasov
Venjamin Fazlijov, 16 years old

“I like CreACTive because we can socialize and meet new people”.
Cléo Lechartier, 19 years old

“I decided to do EVS because for a long time, my dream was to spend a year in another country after I graduated from high school. I looked for projects, not for countries, and I found CreACTive. I thought it looked really nice.
Currently, I am restarting CreACTive’s magazine: Happydarci. It has been postponed a lot but I believe that very soon the first issue will be out”.
Dragan Kabranov, 17 years old

“CreACTive is a life-changing experience. People accept me here.
My favorite activities are the guitar lessons because I want to be a musician. Doing art is like a gift and you want to share it with the rest of the world. That’s what artists do”.
Angel Mustenikov, 19 years old

“CreACTive is a lovely place with lots of lovely people. When you need help, they will be here to help you. If you make mistakes, they will still be here.
One day, you will have doors open in a really different world. This is a chance to go somewhere and meet new people who can mean something to you”.
Marija Boševa, 13 years old

“For me, CreaACTive is a place where we hang around, we learn new things and we simply learn what humanity is. My biggest dream is to become a volunteer!”
Bogdan Melov, 19 years old

“I met Dragan Markovski and I told him that I study Informatics and he wanted to bring some elders in CreACTive, so I started a workshop. My relationship with the young people that are coming in CreACTive is good, and with the others volunteers is even better, they are my coworkers and friends”.
Daniela Paulo, 24 years old

“I don't know what I will do after my project finishes. Maybe I will stay longer, maybe I will return to Portugal for a while, or maybe I will just move somewhere else. I'm also not sure in what I want to work next, but youth work or humanitarian aid sound like good options for me. Anyway, right now, I just want a free life: to live in different places, to have fun, to learn new things, to make new friends and to help people”.
Daniel Nusev, 19 years old

“In CreACTive I like the atmosphere and to try to communicate in different languages with EVS volunteers”.
Patrick Burke, 26 years old

“I think that my relationship with the youths and the other volunteers is really good and over the past two years I have made many friendships with people here, both from Macedonia and from abroad. In CreACTive, I have learned another language, flexibility, patience, and understanding of others”.
Natasha Boševa, 15 years old

“For me, CreACTive means love and respect. My dream is to succeed in my life: stand on my own feet, and educate myself”.
Fabian Depester, 25 years old

“I am only here for about 2 months, but I already learned a lot about myself. Living together with the other volunteers is very nice and interesting, but it is also very intensive sometimes. Beside the experiences of living and working in a foreign country, the social component is the most learningful part of my EVS”.
Ilija Janevski, 22 years old

“I like the people here and I like the volunteers. I want to learn different things about different people. I want to learn what there is in their countries”.
Gare Heinmäe, 26 years old

“Before I came here as a volunteer I had a youth exchange in Struga. I found that Macedonia is a very beautiful country and I like the people here. After my studies I started to work in the kindergarten. I worked there almost 4 years. I wanted to break free for a moment and I thought EVS was the best solution for that (…) I have been here for 7 months and every day I learn something new”.
Dime Elenov, 19 years old

“CreACTive means everything to me. It helped me gain useful skills and meet a lot of new people from different backgrounds and places. I can say that CreACTive is one of the most important parts of my life and I will always be grateful for what I gained and learned”.
Daniel John Carter, 27 years old
Aleksandra Minov

"I came in CreACTive for the first time 2 years ago. Angel brought me in CreACTive’s world, and since then I can’t imagine a day without CreACTive. One thing that I don’t like is the stereotypes that the young people have about the youth centers and don’t understand their mission”.
Lazar Mitrov, 16 years old

“I like Kavadarci. I always lived close to here. I like everything here, except the fights between people.
When I’ll be older, I want to be a volunteer. CreACTive has been helping me to learn English so one day I can get out of the country”.
Alexander Zmeykovski, 20 years old

“I started coming to creACTive 5 years ago for guitar lessons. I want to play guitar professionally and be an engineer. I want to be a rock star”.
Milda Jankauskaite, 24 years old

“In the future, I want to connect to my favorite thinks: pharmacy and non-formal education, if it is possible. Maybe I could organize and lead trainings for pharmacist in Lithuania...I don't know yet, but I have 11 month to think about that”.
Mitko Temov, 19 years old

“Maybe CreACTive changed my life. For example, now I am here and I’m not thinking about something else. I know some English now and I can be an EVS volunteer too”.
Dragan Markoski
Kiril Nikolov, 16 years old

“The activities are good. I come to CreACTive to party and to enjoy the people”.
Vlatko Joskov, 21 years old

“I come to CreACTive since the beginning, only three days after the inauguration. A friend of mine told me about the youth center. I was curious about what was going on and it was interesting. I met a lot of people here and I went to some places like Struga (in a youth exchange)”.
Vasko Vasilev, 18 years old

“Macedonia is a very nice country. We have many lakes and mountains… My dream is getting married, have a family, children, and a car”.
Marek Morel
Faces of Kreaktiv/ Лицата на Креактив

Faces of Kreaktiv/ Лицата на Креактив

Since the beggining of its existence, in 2009, the Youth Center CreACTive began to put all of its effort into the well-being of the youth of Kava Read More


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